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MVault Services

MVOD Services is a module that links MemSys to the MVAULT repository hosted by PBS Digital Services for their “Passport” membership benefit. Use the tools in this module to add and update MVAULT records involving donors whose active status and membership gift amount qualifies them for the PBS Passport streaming service.

  • With installation/setup assistance from an HDS support technician, enter Host URLs, the API service string, and a separate API Key and Secret for Production and QA testing vaults.
  • Enter Minimum Gift amount and station Offer (e.g. as “WXYZ Passport”).
  • Donors must be active (Renew YrMo on/after current year and month)
  • Their last membership gift must meet or exceed the Minimum required
  • If Gift Type is set to Member Year Total, then the minimum required is tested against the sum of their last membership gift and any subsequent additional gifts
  • The qualifying gift must be credited to the Fund(s) entered in “Fund codes to include”
  • “Vault to use” is normally set to “Production” but can be changed to “QA Testing” sandbox
  • “Mail codes” and “Email codes” (to exclude) effects how uploaded records are appended to the invite/outreach mail merge files. If a donor’s Mail code means do-not-mail, and they do not have an email address, their invite record appends to an “OptOut” file. If a donor has an email address and their Email code is an opt-in, they will be appended to an “Email” file usable for an email broadcast. If a donor has an email address but their Email code means “do not email”, they will be appended to a “Postal” file unless their Mail code means do-not-mail, in which case they append to “OptOut”.
  • Use this utility to audit qualified active donors, listing them for review
  • Only donors whose Fund is in the configuration list will appear
  • Select some or all listed records to be uploaded
  • Click [Update MVAULT] to start the upload
  • If using the “QA Testing” vault you will be warned about not sending them to Production
  • After updating MVAULT, the records confirm a successful upload with an MVOD Status consisting of the expiration date heighted in yellow
  • As each record is uploaded it is written to a dated csv file used for outreach…
  • On finding a donor, clicking on the [MVAULT] tab page displays the vault record
  • Having displayed a vault record, many of its fields are available to be updated, including name and email address, the Status (On or Off), and you may add text Notes and Additional Data.
  • Click [Update] to send the updated information back to the donor’s vault record. Note: It is probably not a good idea to change the email address on your own since it is the user name a donor would use to log into their Passport account. The donor can change their own email address online, and you will see that change, next time you find their vault record.

For more details on PBS MVAULT GO TO :  MVAULT